Sigmund freud

876 palabras 4 páginas
Name: Mariel Berenice Ríos Hernández

Teacher: Irasema Jiménez ///

Classroom: B8

Subject: English III

Topic: final portfolio

Date: July/13/ 2009


1.- I should do my homework.
2.- You should go get my bag.
3.- You should be happy.
4.- I should go home.
5.- The dog should run.
6.- We should go to the beach.
7.- Your sister should wear pink.
8.- I should go to school.
9.- You should be at the Mmcinemas.
10.- We should see the movie.

Can and Have to

1.- Can you go to the party?
2.- You can do that.
3.- You can also take my brother with you.
4. - I can not do that
5.- Can I go to your
…ver más…

Don’t sit down more than two people in a bank, because for this way anticipates the drug traffic.
Don’t smoke in the beaches of Italy.
Don´t shoot Chewing gum in the square or in the street.
Don’t drink alcoholic drinks in the public places.

All the people have to throw the garbage in the trashcan.
All dogs have to be taken with chain.
All the foreign drivers have to bring ID of property of the vehicle.
The monuments have to be taken care by the whole population.
The drives have to respect the pedestrians.

Can and Have to

1.- Can you go to the party?
2.- You can do that.
3.- You can also take my brother with you.
4. - I can not do that
5.- Can I go to your house?
1.- I have to go to the bathroom.
2.- I have to clean my room.
3.- You have to go with my causin upstairs.
4.- You have to go eat.
5.- You have to do your

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