Resumenes de libros en ingles

2005 palabras 9 páginas
Room 7: Mr Saunders is driving back to London when he has a problem with the lights on his car. A mechanic in a village tells him that his car can’t be repaired until the next morning. Saunders finds a hotel but the manager, Mr Richards, tells him there are no rooms available. Mrs Richards intervenes and says that room 7 is free, although Mr Richards seems uncomfortable about this. Mr Saunders has dinner and retires to bed. Later he is awoken by a light shining from a chair in the room. He sees an old man sitting in the chair looking at him, who says, ‘I never knew, but you do’ and disappears. The next morning, he notices a picture on the wall that is exactly like the man he saw. Mrs Richards tells him it is Mr
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Había oído decir 'la señora
Wood, que ha vuelto a casa "antes de que ella murió en el acto del miedo

A Ghost in the Garden: Henry and Joan
Chapman buy a house in the country for their retirement.
They move into the 200-year-old house called Samways.
Father Barnes, the village priest, tells them the history of their house. It was built by Elijah Samways, who lived there with his servant. Mr Chapman wants to cut down a tall tree in the garden, but the priest suggests he just cuts a few branches. One windy night, Mrs Chapman is woken by a knocking at the bedroom window, and when she pulls the curtains back sees the face of an old man.
Later, the priest explains that it was probably the ghost of
Robert Forester, Elijah’s servant, who was hanged from the same tree for a crime he did not commit. The priest then puts his cross in the ground near the tree in order to bring peace to the ghost.

Un fantasma en el jardín: Enrique y Joan
Chapman comprar una casa en el país para su jubilación.
Se mudan a la casa de 200 años llamado Samways.
Padre Barnes, el cura del pueblo, que cuenta la historia de su casa. Fue construido por Elías Samways, que vivió allí con su criado. El Sr. Chapman quiere reducir un gran árbol en el jardín, pero el sacerdote sugiere que sólo recortes de algunas ramas. Una noche de

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