Resumen De The "Body"

999 palabras 4 páginas
Resumen de: "The Body" Por capítulo:
Chapter 1: The narrator of the story (Gordie Lachance) remembers seeing a dead person when he was twelve years old. That memory stays with him today.
Chapter 2: Gordie (Gordon) is in a tree house with Teddy Duchamp and Chris Chambers on the last Friday of the summer holidays. Vern Tessio, the fourth member of their club, arrives. He has news about a body that has been found in the forest. He suggests they go see it.
Chapter 3: Gordie recalls hearing that a boy their age (Ray Brower) has been missing for three days. He had been picking wild fruit in the forest.
Chapter 4: We learn how Vern found out about the body. He overheard his older brother Billy (who is part of a gang) talking about the body to
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Teddy teases Chopper. Milo insults Teddy by talking about Teddy’s father’s psychiatric problems.
Chapter 11: Chris tries to make Teddy feel better about Milo’s comments. Vern says they are going to see a dead body, so maybe they should not have a good time.
Chapter 12: The boys cross a railway bridge that was not made for walking across. Vern and Gordie narrowly avoid getting hit by a train.
Chapter 13: Chris tells Gordie that changes are coming at school as Gordie starts taking courses that will prepare him for college while the others take shop courses. Chris talks about his family’s bad reputation and about being betrayed by a teacher. He says that friends can drag a person down.
Chapter 14: The boys set up camp and Gordie tells a story. Gordie thinks about the body alone in the forest.
Chapter 15: The boys wake up to the sound of loud screaming. They are not sure what it is and take turns guarding the camp. Gordie dreams about Chris being dragged under the water by Vern and Teddy.
Chapter 16: The sun comes up and Gordie has a special moment when he sees a deer alongside the railway tracks.A train goes by and wakes up the other boys.
Chapter 17: The boys jump into a pool of water to cool off. It is full of leeches.
Chapter 18: The boys realise they still have a long way to go before they will get to the body.
Chapter 19: While the boys continue their journey, a gang of six (including Billy and Charlie

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