Resumen Capítulos De El Aprendiz

6371 palabras 26 páginas
El Aprendiz

1.- Integración de grupos mixtos con miembros de las diferentes áreas del corporativo, con posibilidad a reubicación según se vayan dando las actividades.

Se pretende que los grupos incluyan miembros de todas las áreas debido a que con esto se crea un ambiente colaborativo en donde cada integrante puede ayudar con los conocimientos que dominan, logrando con esto una complementariedad que pueda llevar a una sinergia de ideas.

Además de que se plantea que en el futuro se puede hacer una reorganización de los equipos, trayendo esto consigo que los grupos se renueven y que se aprenda a trabajar con más personas trayendo esto diversidad de ideas.

2.-Se enfrentarán 2 grupos cada día, a ambos equipos se les asignará la
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Trump Monologue: Location, Location, Location - Any product sales depends on the location, it has to reach the right target demographic.

"Sex, Lies and Altitude"
Task sponsor: cualquier marca
Task: Both teams are to design an advertising campaign to ____________, which they must pitch to the owner of the company.
Trump Monologue Do Not Deal With Underlings - Trump learned early in his career making deals can be tough and you have to work with the boss where ever possible.

Task: The teams are given a scavenger list of items which they are required to purchase during the day at the lowest possible total price.
Trump Monologue "The Art of Negotiation" Buying the right thing at your price, fitting it into the budget.

"Trading Places"
Task: Starting with seed money, the teams are required to purchase items and sell them at the greatest profit return at an open-air flea market.
Trump Monologue 'Stand up for yourself' was the monologue for this week with Donald Trump stating 'no one else is going to fight for you'.

"Tit for Tat"
Task: This week's task is to raise money for charity at a Sotheby's celebrity auction. The teams are told to sign up celebrities for an auction to benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. The celebrities that took part in the auction were Regis

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