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949 palabras 4 páginas
Estabilidad de productos cárnicos reestructurados crudos con agregado de transglutaminasa y plasma de bovino.

Raw restructured product stability with added transglutaminase and bovine plasma.

Enrique Márquez, Erika Arévalo, Yasmina Barboza, Betty Benítez, Lisbeth Rangel y Anangelina Archile

Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Nutrición, Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. Fax: 0261-7543220. E-mail:


Carnes de bovino, cerdo y ave fueron utilizadas para estudiar el efecto de la adición de transglutaminasa y plasma de bovino en la estabilidad de productos cárnicos reestructurados crudos. Porciones de 4 Kg de cada una de las
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Portions of 4 kg from each specie were mixed with ClNa at 0.5% w/w, then divided into two portions of 2 kg and bovine plasma or water were added at 10% w/w. Portions of 2 kg were divided in two portions of 1 Kg and transglutaminase was added at 0.75% or 1% concentration. Each treatment was divided in 2 portions of 0.5 kg stuffed and placed in refrigeration at 12 h and 24 h reaction time. The efficiency of the enzyme and bovine plasma was determined as a function of the stability (cohesiveness) shown by the products when they were sliced at refrigeration temperature. The experiment was repeated 7 times. Results indicated that when the enzyme was used at 1% concentration all products were stable. When concentration of TGm was 0.75%, addition of plasma was necessary to obtain stable products. TGm was more efficient with bovine meat. In conclusion, addition of bovine plasma is an alternative to improve stability of raw restructured meat products when 0.75% of TGm is used.

Key words: Transglutaminase, raw restructured products, stability, reaction time.

Recibido: 07 / 06 / 2007. Aceptado: 10 / 01 / 2008.


El mundo moderno demanda productos cárnicos que sean de rápida y fácil elaboración. Como respuesta, la industria cárnica ofrece productos reestructurados de diversas presentaciones. Sin embargo, cuando el producto reestructurado es crudo, éste es ofrecido principalmente

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