Regiones economicas de chiapas

3186 palabras 13 páginas
1. Assess the issue of whether children sent to day care are reared as effectively as children raised in the home. Summarize the research on both sides of the issue. In support of negative impacts that daycare have on children, increase level of aggression, children may develop more behavior problems, become less cooperative, experience stress, which might impacts their emotional developments (Sullivan p. 74). This effect is small but it is something that can happen, or rather it is happening and could affect the child in the future. Also many parents do not have enough money to put their children in a good and well equipped daycare that offers a good quality. This is negative, because they do not have enough money, so they have …ver más…

In discussing gender, I think that it is very important to distinguish gender from sex. Sex is the biological characteristics that distinguish males from females, while gender, are behaviors group considers appropriate for males/females (Masculinity and femininity). Males are independent, emotionally stabile, dynamic, aggressive, logically capable, rational, courageous, force, and objective. But Females are all about, emotional instability, dependence, passive, affectivity, intuition, emotionality, fear, weakness, subjectivity, and private area. Clearly, the categories imposed by society about what is masculine and feminine are not realistic. It encompasses how we really feel, how we behave or how we define ourselves. The cultures teach that men and women are opposites in many ways. Not only is a clear distinction of the feminine and masculine hierarchy but also by providing those masculine characteristics associated with a higher social value. Gender socialization is the learning by which women and men make up what is the female and male model "appropriate" in this society. Through socialization we learn and acquire values, attitudes and behaviors that are reflected in all the areas in which we move: family relationships, social relationships, workplace, leisure. Earlier on in life our house chores are divided based on our gender: Boys: Maintenance, Girls: Domestic, Chores linked to future career choices. Even in the classroom,

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