¿Qué hay que hacer en caso de un terremoto? en ingles

1029 palabras 5 páginas
¿Qué hay que hacer en caso de que hubiera un terremoto?
En caso de que hubiera un terremoto para protegerse se debe:
Tenga preparados un botiquín de primeros auxilios, linterna, radio a pilas, etc. Y algunas provisiones en un lugar conocido por todos. Saber cómo desconectar la luz, el gas y el agua.
Pronostique un plan de actuación en caso de emergencia asegure al agrupamiento de la familia en un lugar seguro.
Fije bien los muebles a la pared como armarios, estanterías, etc. Sujete aquellos objetos que pueden provocar daño al caerse, como cuadros, espejos, lámparas, productos tóxicos o inflamables, etc.
Confeccione un directorio telefónico para que, en caso de necesidad, poder llamar a protección Civil, bombero,
…ver más…

Compile a telephone directory so that if necessary, to call Civil protection, firefighter, health care or police.
Review the structure of your house make sure that chimneys, eaves, siding, balconies, etc.. Have good fixation to the structural elements.
Not place heavy objects on top of tall furniture, secure them in the ground.

If the earthquake is long, calm down, end fast.
If the earthquake is strong, stay calm. Sharpen the attention to avoid risks remember to the following instructions.

1. If you are inside a building, stay inside, if you are out, stay outside. Entering or exiting buildings can cause some accident.
2. Inside building structures look strong: under a table or bed, next to a sofa in a corner and especially cover your head. Stay away from exterior walls, windows, glassware and windows, also heavy furniture or objects that could fall.
3. If you are in a tall building not use the elevator and never flee hastily towards the exit.
4. If you are using something with fire shut it down. Do not use any type of flame during or immediately after the quake.
5. If you are outside a building, move away from electrical wires, cornices, windows, etc.
6. Do not approach or enter buildings to avoid being hit by falling objects dangerous. Go to places open, do not run and watch for traffic.
7. If you are in a car when the earthquake happens, turn it away from bridges, and stay within it.
1. Keep calm.

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