Manos de poker

1327 palabras 6 páginas
Poker Hands
Poker is a 5-card game. Players are given an opportunity to bet on their hands. The player with the best hand wins. Hands are rated according to the following scale:
From best to worst:
Straight Flush
All 5 cards are in sequential order and the same suit (see Straight and Flush below).

4 of a Kind
4 cards of the same rank

Full House
3 cards of the same rank + two cards of the same rank.

All 5 cards are of the same suit

All 5 cards are in sequential order.
Aces can either come before a 2 to start a straight or after a King to end a straight.

3 of a Kind
3 cards of the same rank

2 cards of the same rank + 2 cards of the same rank

Pair (2 of a Kind)
2 cards of the same rank

High Card
If you have no
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The last player to bet (not call) must show his cards first. All other players still in the hand (they have not folded) then show their cards. The winning player takes the whole pot.
Special betting rules
Minimum bet
A player may not bet or raise an amount that is less than the big blind amount.
Split Pot
If two or more players tie, the pot is split evenly between them.
If you do not have enough money to call a bet, you may go 'all-in'.

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