Lab 6.4.4

1007 palabras 5 páginas
Executive Summary Objectives Mission Keys to Success Company Summary Company Ownership Start-up Summary Company Locations and Facilities Products Product Description Future Products Market Analysis Summary Market Segmentation Target Market Segment Strategy Market Needs Market Trends Market Growth Industry Analysis Industry Participants Distribution Patterns Competition and Buying Patterns Main Competitors Strategy and Implementation Summary Competitive Edge Marketing Strategy Pricing Strategy Promotion Strategy Marketing Programs Sales Strategy Sales Programs Strategic Alliances Management Summary Organizational Structure Management Team

Personnel Plan

Executive Summary Capital Cafe is a specialty food and beverage retailer and is
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Capital Cafe is offering a high quality option to the fast-food, gas station, and institutional coffee sector. Company Ownership Capital Cafe is a Limited Liability Corporation. John and Jane Smith currently own all shares. Start-up Summary Start up and running costs Substantial capital may be required to set up a cafe. Suitable premises will need to be leased and some thought should be given to location, as passing trade will be important. A central location will be expensive. The appearance of the shop will also be vital, therefore some consideration should be given to appropriate fixtures and fittings. It may be possible to lease some of the equipment needed and drinks companies such as Coca-Cola may offer advantageous rental terms for drinks fridges. Possible initial and ongoing costs include:            A till at about $565, and PDQ machine, which can take credit and debit cards. (This can add to the ongoing costs as 2.5-5% is charged on every transaction). Industrial sized refrigerator, freezer, glass door cooler, dishwasher and oven. A six burner range - approximately $1,000. Electric water boiler - around $350. Coffee and cappuccino machine - $500. Food mixers and processors. Kitchen equipment, e.g. cutlery, crockery, glassware. Furniture, e.g. bar stools (from $30), tables ($50-$100) though these costs will depend on the nature and size of the venue. Chairs, tables, sofas. A display counter. A refrigerated counter costs approximately

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