La transformacionde la cultura indigena durante la colonia

1356 palabras 6 páginas
Marks: 4/4
Which three are common installation methods?
Choose one answer. | a. Floppy | | | b. Bootable CD/DVD | | | c. Network (FTP) | | | d. EEPROM | | | e. DBAN | | | f. Floppy, Bootable CD/DVD, and Network. | | | g. All of the above. | |
Marks for this submission: 4/4.
History of Responses: # | Action | Response | Time | Raw score | Grade | 1 | Grade | Floppy, Bootable CD/DVD, and Network. | 19:59:12 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 | 2 | Close&Grade | Floppy, Bootable CD/DVD, and Network. | 20:12:05 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 |
Marks: 4/4
What does GUI stand for?
Choose one answer. | a. Gnome User Interface | | | b. Graphical User Interface | | | c. Global User Interface | |
…ver más…

| a. Linux | | | b. Unix | | | c. Microsoft | | | d. Apple OSX | | | e. All of the above. | |
Marks for this submission: 4/4.
History of Responses: # | Action | Response | Time | Raw score | Grade | 1 | Grade | All of the above. | 20:03:30 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 | 2 | Close&Grade | All of the above. | 20:12:05 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 |
Marks: 4/4
Which of the following uses the NTFS file sytem?
Choose one answer. | a. Linux | | | b. Windows NT | | | c. both Linux and Windows NT | | | d. none of the above | |
Marks for this submission: 4/4.
History of Responses: # | Action | Response | Time | Raw score | Grade | 1 | Grade | Windows NT | 20:03:46 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 | 2 | Close&Grade | Windows NT | 20:12:05 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 |
Marks: 4/4
Client Access License (CAL) for Windows consists of two types of licensing _____________ and _____________.
Choose one answer. | a. per seat | | | b. per client | | | c. per server | | | d. per IP | | | e. both per seat and per server | | | f. both per client and per IP | |
Marks for this submission: 4/4.
History of Responses: # | Action | Response | Time | Raw score | Grade | 1 | Grade | both per seat and per server | 20:04:26 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 | 2 | Close&Grade | both per seat and per server | 20:12:05 on 25/09/11 | 4 | 4 |
Marks: 4/4
A DLL is a

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  • La transformacionde la cultura indigena durante la colonia
    1363 palabras | 6 páginas