La carga por transportar

4645 palabras 19 páginas



I want to start this essay by saying that I really liked this movie, maybe because I have not read the book yet or maybe because I just simply liked it, we may never know, just like philosophy, it is well known that there is no explanation to the question “where does the world come from?” .
It is a very simple question but at the same time it is a very complex question, a question for what some philosophers have lived and sometimes even given his life for.
Sophie’s world, at least for me it was a very ingenious method or way to show the world the complexity of life, that no one has written paper with their destiny or their role in this life
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Personally I think that the idea of this book writing about another men who writes a book is very ingenious and creative way of making the topic or main ideas interesting, but what are this main ideas?
The 2 famous questions mentioned earlier before.
Who are you? And, where does the world come from?
These questions will be the main cause of the Mayor purpose of teaching her daughter that there is not a concrete answer to these questions only theories.
But seriously, who acclaimed these theories? Let’s find out who where the philosophers that Sophie met during his time traveling journey of knowledge.
Let’s start with the first one she met, Aristotle, points out that the curiosity for knowledge and the curiosity of knowledge is the essence of philosophy itself. "For it was their curiosity that first led men to philosophize and that still leads them." Aristotle believes that all philosophers try to overcome ignorance, and pursue knowledge for its own sake and not merely for the practical utility of it.
Aristotle, who has been called the father of formal logic, shows us that the importance of logic, as a tool, in the quest for knowledge is as he says that, "the philosopher, who examines the most general features of primary being must investigate also the principles of reasoning." (
By this I can understand that Aristotle aim was that the people could have their own criteria at the moment of making a mistake,

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