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The Inbound Telephony Management dashboard allows call center managers to get an overview of inbound telephony operations for different centers, classifications and dialed numbers. Familiar KPIs provide a snapshot of performance and the associated graphs provide detail on the trends for the selected time period.
This dashboard uses the following parameters
• Date
• Period Type: The period type parameter is the time period for which data is aggregated. Options are Week, Month, Quarter and Year.
• Compare To: This parameter is used for calculating change.
• Call Center: This represents the call center for which the inbound telephony metrics are being measured and by which you can view. You can view metrics for a …ver más…
This includes calls with inbound, direct, manual, web callback, and unsolicited call types. It is calculated as: Total Wrap Time for all handled calls / Number of Calls Handled
• Calls Handled per Agent Hour: This KPI is from the Inbound Telephony Activity by Agent report. It is the average number of calls an agent handles per hour of login time. This includes calls with inbound, direct, manual, web callback, and unsolicited call types. It is calculated as: Calls Handled / Total Login Time of all Agents
• Service Requests Created: KPI is from the Inbound Telephony Activity report. It is the number of service requests created through telephone calls. This includes calls with inbound, direct, manual, web callback, and unsolicited call types.
• Leads Created: This KPI is from the Inbound Telephony Activity report. It is the number of leads created through telephone calls. This includes calls with inbound, direct, manual, web callback, and unsolicited call types.
• Opportunities Created: This KPI is from the Inbound Telephony Activity report. It is the number of opportunities created through telephone calls. This includes calls with inbound, direct, manual, web callback, and unsolicited call types.
Some Examples:
Inbound Service Level 70.0% 3.0
Average Speed to Answer (Seconds) 3.2 -4.2%
Abandon Rate 12.5% -0.2
Transfer Rate 11.5% 5.5
Inbound Calls