Exci Uanl Tipo 3

3287 palabras 14 páginas
UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓN Secretaría Académica Examen de competencia en inglés

Esta información deberá ser llenada por personal administrativo solamente. Favor de no escribir en esta área. | SECTION 4 | | 1st. Marker | No. | 2nd. Marker | No. | Agreed Total | Final Total Checker | No. | Part 1 (5) | | | | | Part 2 (5) | | | | | | | | Part 3 | | | (20) | | | | | (10) | | | | | | | Total for Section | | |

Tipo 3 | FOLIO | Nombre: | | Facultad: | | No. de Matricula | Fecha: | | | | INSTRUCCIONES | Antes de empezar el examen, lee cuidadosamente estas instrucciones. El EXCI tiene una duración de 2 horas. Está
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Don’t forget to answer Section 4 - Writing.
This Section contains three texts. Read the three texts and follow the directions for each.

Text One | Look at the information sheet from a hotel brochure. Can you find information about the following? If the information is included in the text mark A in your answer sheet. If not, mark B. |



(If you don’t want to read through everything, at least read this!!)

SECURITY: There is controlled access to the grounds. If you see anything that looks suspicious, please report to the Reception or any staff member IMMEDIATELY. Your valuables can be deposited in our safe at the Reception.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER IF YOU ARE GOING OUTSIDE THE HOTEL: Do not leave valuables unattended while swimming outside the limits of the resort, neither take your passport and credit cards with you. Your plane ticket is your most important document while visiting as tourist, so keep it always in a safe place. To drive around you only need your driver’s license

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