
817 palabras 4 páginas
Usted es un abogado y un cliente potencial ha llegado a su oficina por su ayuda legal. Su cliente potencial le ha dicho que una empresa le debe mucho dinero por el trabajo que había hecho por ellos. El problema es que él estaba haciendo el trabajo debajo de la mesa para evitar el pago de impuestos y no tiene ningún recurso legal. ¿Qué te parece la situación ética es? ¿Usted tomaría el caso del cliente potencial?
Escribir una portada con los elementos de identificación: nombre completo, número de código del estudiante, nombre del curso, el nombre de la actividad y la fecha.
Escriba su opinión explicando por qué sí o por qué no crees que el abogado debe tomar el caso y cuál es el problema ético. Su ensayo no debe ser menor
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For all this must put the cards on the table and the client decide whether to continue with the lawyer or go with someone else who can continue to fraud.
The ethical problem
From my point of view the ethical problem i see that the attorney must follow all under the laws, if counsel notes that the case has no legal recourse should make everything clear and explain how important it is to carry out illegal activities and the consequences of carrying out this.
I think counsel should flatly refuse to take the case because according to his ethics should not have this type of conflict, because a lawyer must take cases under the trademark law because they are the principal must lead by example. in conclusion that the ethical case get us to see what kind of problems exist and that there are times when the lawyers get involved without considering the consequences all by raising money or prestige.
That is why the lawyer in this case will be on your conscience if you agree or not, or under what conditions if it is for good. For example to make it clear that only accepts the case if the whole thing manages to win all the potential customer and are satisfied services have gone to that lawyer. Therefore the stay on track let the conscience of the customer and the lawyer.

Otra actividad es solamente inventar un problema de la vida cotidiana en alguna empresa.

Actividad: currently working in a textile company in the city

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