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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:

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e-CFR Data is current as of October 10, 2008
Title 14: Aeronautics and Space
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Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 13 Subpart A—General § 25.1 § 25.2 § 25.3 § 25.5 Applicability. Special retroactive requirements. Special provisions for
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Demonstration of static longitudinal stability. Static lateral-directional stability. Dynamic stability.

Stalls § 25.201 Stall demonstration. § 25.203 Stall characteristics. § 25.207 Stall warning. Ground and Water Handling Characteristics § 25.231 Longitudinal stability and control. § 25.233 Directional stability and control. § 25.235 Taxiing condition. § 25.237 Wind velocities. § 25.239 Spray characteristics, control, and stability on water. Miscellaneous Flight Requirements § 25.251 Vibration and buffeting. § 25.253 High-speed characteristics. § 25.255 Out-of-trim characteristics. Subpart C—Structure General § 25.301 § 25.303 § 25.305 § 25.307

Loads. Factor of safety. Strength and deformation. Proof of structure.

Flight Loads § 25.321 General. Flight Maneuver and Gust Conditions

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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:

§ 25.331 § 25.333 § 25.335 § 25.337 § 25.341 § 25.343 § 25.345 § 25.349 § 25.351

Symmetric maneuvering conditions. Flight maneuvering envelope. Design airspeeds. Limit maneuvering load factors. Gust and turbulence loads. Design fuel and oil loads. High lift devices. Rolling conditions. Yaw maneuver conditions.

Supplementary Conditions § 25.361 Engine torque. § 25.363 Side load on engine and auxiliary power unit mounts. § 25.365 Pressurized compartment loads. §

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