Ensayo Descriptivo En Ingles

848 palabras 4 páginas
Gerardo Valdés Rosales
Lora Head
I was 13 years old. I remember my father very exitede as always. As a family we used to go camping and ride motorcylces almost every weekend, like a family tradition. Every Friday my dad would pick us up at school, he was in the pickup and the trailer full of supply’s. I remember all the looks we got, the first time he picked us up everyone was wondering who was that crazy man was delaying traffic. The most common place we visited was Las dunas; it is a desert full of dunes about two hours from Torreon. This time was different, that week we had a long weekend since it was Independence Day. That day my father decided to visit La sierra de Durango, a beautiful forest
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We rode our motorcycles for around fifteen minutes and arrived to the cascade. At the waterfall we encountered with another group of motorcyclist, it was such a surprise because they were close friends of my family.
At the peak of the waterfall set our camp, it was little, but had just enough to stay for a while. We ate and my parents started talking with the other family, the only thing they talked about was motorcycles. The talk was very boring for a ten year old I decided to go for a swim. My mother made it really clear that we should only stay in the shallow and not to swim around the fall. I didn’t care; I just wanted to get out of the big ones talks.
I was swimming with my brother in the shallow when we decided to play archeologists. It was a bad idea. As I approached the deeper parts the current started getting stronger and stronger. I felt heavier as if something was pulling me down not a second passed and I found myself fighting to float and breath. I felled trapped there was nothing I could do. I tried to hold my breath but I couldn’t, I just simply couldn’t. The more I fought the more I got thrown against the floor.
I tried to flee but it was impossible, it seemed like the water was expending every move. I tried to move my feet but there was no response, my fingers were stinging and my lung were collapsing. Some people describe drowning as going home; I think is the worst thing that could ever happen

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