Elementos pedagógicos, organizacionales e institucionales que sustentan la educacion a distancia en el programa de especializacion en telematica e informatica en educacion a distancia

1481 palabras 6 páginas
HOW To Multiply
Your Baby's Intelligence

Photographer: Stan Schnier, NYC Printer: Paragon Press, Honesdale, PA

Cataloging in Publication Data Doman, Glenn J. How to multiply your baby's intelligence : more gentle revolution /by Glenn Doman, Janet Doman. p. cm. — (The gentle revolution series) Includes index. ISBN 0-89529-601-2 (hard) ISBN 0-89529-600-4 (pbk.) 1. Children—Intelligence levels. 2. Cognition in children. 3. Child rearing. I. Doman, Janet. II. Title. III. Series. BF432.C48D66 1994 649'.68 QBI93-21712

Copyright © 1994 by Glenn Doman.

Glenn Doman Janet Doman
Avery Publishing Group
Garden City Park, New York

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
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Would not the elimination of such ancient foes bring about a gentler world with less need for violence, killing, hatred and war—or perhaps no need at all? What discoveries could possibly have led to such lovely dreams? What happened more than a quarter of a century ago? Our first realization was that it is possible to teach babies to read. As unlikely as that sounded it is not only true but it is even true that it is easier to teach a one-year-old to read than it is to teach a seven-yearold. Much easier. By 1964 we had written a book for mothers called How to Teach Your Baby to Read. That book was an instant success and the Gentle Revolution began. Scores of mothers wrote almost immediately to tell of their joy in reading the book and their success in teaching their children.



The Gentle Revolution


Then hundreds wrote to tell what had happened to their children after they had learned to read. Thousands of mothers bought the book and taught their babies to read. The book was published in British and Australian editions and in Afrikaans, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Tens of thousands of mothers wrote to tell us of what had happened. What those mothers reported with delight and pride was that 1. Their babies had easily learned to read; 2. Their babies had loved learning; 3.

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