El concepto de vecino

864 palabras 4 páginas
Igor is a handsome, millionaire, powerful and successful man who own a telephone company in Russia, where he was born. Years ago, he fought in the war of Afghanistan but now he is in Cannes for the annual Film Festival. He wants his ex-wife, Ewa, to come back with him and he remembers that when she left him for another man he told her that he was capable of destroying whole worlds because of her. She is now married to one of the most famous haute-couturiers in the world Hamid Hussein and they are in Cannes too for the Festival.
He’s convinced of destroying worlds and he stars with a girl who sells craftwork, he goes and talks to her. Her name’s Olivia, her parents exploit her and her boyfriend makes her feel like
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In the great supper, Hamid Hussein is with his wife. He just wants to meet Jasmine, a beautiful model of nineteen years old who’s the perfect face for his new collection. His wife wants to get out of there. She is still receiving messages from her ex-husband and she knows he’s mad. Igor is in other part of the same party, Gabriela and Jasmine who are now friends, goes with him because Gabriela feels interested. While they are talking Hamid sees him and goes straight to talk to him, Ewa goes behind him. They sit to talk in a table, Hamid and Ewa want him to go, but he wants his wife. Both men start to fight and better go to the beach to be alone.
They sit again, but now on the sand, Igor takes out a gun speaks looking at the sea pointing it to Hamid who trying to disarm the man makes a bad movement and Igor shoots into his head. Ewa can’t cry or scream, she’s in shock; now Igor points the gun to his heart and tells her that after all, she didn’t deserve the worlds he had destroyed, that she wasn’t really the reason for him to be there, and then, he shoots. Igor leaves the two bodies on the sand.
He returns to the party and Gabriela goes with him, he takes her home and leaves her disappointed because he didn´t pass the night with her. Jasmine leaves the party too; she goes with the forty old woman with whom she

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