El Refrigerador De 1834 (En Español Y Ingles) flag content
Este informe será entregado a quien fue el inventor de la nevera de 1834, cuando piensan y cómo este artefacto. El refrigerador, también llamado nevera, congelador, frigorífico, nevera, etc., Es un dispositivo diseñado para congelar, mantener los alimentos frescos y la nata líquida y el hielo para que no se echen a perder. El inventor de la nevera de 1834 fue llamado Jacob Perkins, pero su invención no fue el único en la historia. ¿Quién lo creó?
Jacob Perkins nació 09 de julio 1766 y murió el 30 de julio 1849 en los 84 años de edad en Londres fue un inventor estadounidense, ingeniero mecánico y físico.se anunció con una gran variedad de útiles inventos mecánicos y, finalmente, era de veinte …ver más…
The refrigerator, also called fridge, freezer, refrigerator, refrigerator, etc.., is a device designed for freezing, keeping fresh food and liquid and ice cream so it does not spoil. The inventor of the refrigerator of 1834 was called Jacob Perkins, but his invention was not alone in history. Who create it?
Jacob Perkins was born July 9, 1766 and died on July 30, 1849 at 84 years of age in London was an American inventor, mechanical engineer and físico.se announced with a variety of useful mechanical inventions and eventually was twenty patents in English American and nineteen. He is known as the father of the fridge. Jacob went to school until age 12 when he was twenty he was hired by the owner of the Massachusetts mint to make a mold for copper coins. Perkins is credited with the first patent for the compression refrigeration cycle steam, assigned the August 14, 1834 and entitled "Apparatus and media for the production of ice, and cooling fluids."
When does she/he create it?
The big step for the invention of refrigerators occurred in 1834. That year the American living in London, Jacob Perkins, manufactured for the first time in history the artificial ice. When staff presented him with the first sample, he simply said, 'Truly it is very cold'.
How does it work?
Its operation is simple, as it consists of a thermostat to regulate its internal temperature, which controls a compressor full of gas. This process of compression and decompression of gas,