Cumbre mundial de la comunicacion

1605 palabras 7 páginas
Simple present :
I/ you work
He/she/it works
− Repeated actions, permanents states, daily routines.
− World truths
− sport comentaries, reviews and narrations
− In jokes and story telling
− timetables
Present Progressive
I/ you am/are working
He/she/it is working
− Uses:
−Actions taking place at the moment of speaking (now), actions taking place around now (but not at the moment of speaking)
−Arrangements for the near future
−Actions taking place only for a limited period of time
−Development, changing situations
− To express irritation (with always)
Present Perfect:
I/ you have left
He/she/it has left
−Actions which started in the past and are still continuing (with have, like, know,
…ver más…

− when we ask politely aboul somone´s plans for the near furture, in order to see if our wishes fit in the plans Future perfect:
−For actions whih will be finished before a stated future time.
Future perfect continuous:
−To emphasise the duration of an action up to certain time un the future.
Infinitive− too/enough− the− ing form− participles
The infinitive:
−To esprese pourpose
−After verbs: advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, want, afford, pretend, etc.
−After verbs such as: know, ask, decide, learn, remember, want to know, when are fallowed by question words(who, what, where, how,etc)
−After adjetives such as nice, sorry, glad, happy, willing, afraid, ashamed, etc.
−After too and enough
−After it + be + adjetive (of + noun/pronoun)
−Afert would like/love/prefer.
−After only to express an unsatisfactory result.
The bare infinitive:
−After modal verbs
−After the verb let, make, see, hear and feel.
−After had better and would rather.
Tenses of the infinitive:

− Present infinitive: refers to the present or future
−Present continuous infinitive: to be + ing: describes an action happening now.
−Perfect infinitive: (to) have + past participle: it refers to the past and shows that the action of the infinitive heppened bedore the action of the verb. Use with verbs such as seem, appear, belive, know, clam, expect and the modal verbs.
−Perfect continuous

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