Constumbres y crenecias de la region ica
2979 palabras
12 páginas
¿Cuáles son las principales tendencias demográficas que se plantean como amenazas y oportunidades para Coca-Cola?1. Menor crecimiento de la población, mayor longevidad. Dado que el consumo en personas mayores, disminuye paulatinamente.
Comercialización de sistemas de auditoría 1. Sistema de información de marketing. * ¿Está el sistema de inteligencia de marketing proporcionando información precisa y oportuna sobre la evolución? * ¿Se toman las decisiones con la investigación de marketing de manera efectiva? 2. Planificación del sistema * ¿La empresa prepara anualmente, los planes estratégicos a largo plazo? * ¿Se utilizan? 3. Marketing de sistema de control * ¿Se están logrando los objetivos …ver más…
What would be the consequences?
Cost-effectiveness analysis.
Do any activities have excessive costs? How can be reduced?
Marketing function audit
Has the company developed sound product-line objectives? Should some products be phased out? Should some new products be added? Would some products benefit from quality, style or feature changes?
What are the company's pricing objectives, policies, strategies and procedures? Are the company's in the line with costumers' perceived value? Are price promotions used properly?
Distribution. What are the distribution objectives and strategies? Does he company adequate market coverage and service? Should existing channels be changed or new ones added?
Advertising, sales promotion and publicity.
What are the company's promotion objectives? How is the budget determinated? Is it sufficient? Are advertising messages and media well developed and received? Does the company have well-developed sales promotion and public relations programmes?
Sales force.
What are the company's sales force objectives? Is the sales forve large enough? Is it properly organized? Is it well trained, supervised and motivated? How uis the sales force rated relative to those of competitors?
Marketing de la función de auditoría
La empresa ha desarrollado la línea de productos de sonido objetivos? En caso de algunos productos se eliminarán? En caso de algunos