Conceptos juridicos fundamentales del derecho hereditario

994 palabras 5 páginas
MicroStrategy Products
Measure the Success of Your BI Applications
Business intelligence (BI) applications are constantly evolving as new users, data, and requirements are added to the system. As this growth occurs it becomes critical for BI administrators to understand how their applications are being utilized in order to maximize the return on investment (ROI). While the qualitative benefits of having a BI application are rapidly apparent, it is not as easy to quantify the business ROI achieved from a BI application. MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager is a BI application that reports on the activity and utilization of current BI implementations. Various user groups, including administrators, project managers, report developers, and help
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It also provides a method of streamlining your application by identifying the objects and reports that have gone unused and would therefore be candidates for deletion.

Last Execution Request

Total Number of Jobs

2/21/2005 9/7/2005 12/4/2005 9/26/2006 12/21/2006 1/1/2007 9/13/2007 11/1/2007

8 13 17 7 17 8 14 3

Project Analysis

Project managers use Enterprise Manager to determine and improve the value of their BI applications. A measure of the return on investment for any BI application is the amount of useful information provided to its end users. Enterprise Manager reports document all application content such as reports, dashboards, metrics, and business attributes, allowing project managers to assess the depth and breadth of the information available to users. This type of information provides an overview of current project content, indicating project complexity and value. In addition, Enterprise Manager

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