Aspectos culturales de "la guerra del fuego"

709 palabras 3 páginas
This presentation discusses Microsoft® System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, the new features being delivered, and how they will be used to monitor and manage your infrastructure and applications. Operations Manager is a component of the full System Center 2012 product. The focus for Operations Manager is infrastructure management and tying applications to the supporting infrastructure.
The goal is to reduce the mean time to resolution for problems that you are seeing within your environments and with the applications that rely on those environments. Microsoft is expanding the focus the IT pro has on the infrastructure they are managing so that they are able to dig deeper into their environments and pull out more information,
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It was handling a lot of load and it was the single point of failure. If the RMS went down, the entire management group could go down. That made the management group very difficult to manage, and introduced problems in planning and deploying Operations Manager properly. For the 2012 version of Operations Manager, Microsoft removed the RMS role and confederated the configuration services, spreading the load that the RMS used to handle across multiple management servers, which simplifies deployment. When considering scale, it always came down to a case of how many management servers were needed now, and how to add more later. Resource pools let you add new management servers easily without having to manually balance the roles and agentless workflows.
Now with network monitoring, agent-less monitoring in general, and UNIX and Linux support, Microsoft has introduced the concept of resource pools. Resource pools take over what the RMS used to do, as well as auto-distributing the traffic coming from any agent-less style of monitoring. Another key area of focus is retaining backwards compatibility for System Center Management Packs between Operations Manager 2007 and the 2012 version. All of the existing management packs that you have for Operations Manager 2007 will continue to work in System Center 2012 – Operations Manager. In addition, the RMS emulator role is there to ensure that anything you used to have targeted and working with the

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