Análisis de stéfano de maría teresa andruetto

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Students and educators will find valuable opportunities to learn firsthand how DMOs and tourism boards market their destinations.

DMAI is your gateway to professional development. We open the door to resources, employment, research and industry professional networking.

Office of Travel and Tourism Industries USA
Visitor arrivals analysis and not just numbers. Travel Market Insights (TMI) specializes in reporting international visitor arrivals to the United States. TMI's principal, Scott C. Johnson,
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destinations, marketing regions and associations that: identify top visitor countries; report change in arrivals and market share shift; and of course, our analysis explains the changes for each key country.
Country-Specific Destination Visitor Summary Profile(s) - Our summary reports go hand-in-hand with the arrivals reports. Analysis includes: spending impact, destination image strengths and weakness analysis, competitive and partner analysis, visitor profiling, and demographics. Our summary reports go well beyond just numbers they are geared to be used to monitor, make, and justify marketing decisions.
Country-Specific Destination Visitor In-depth Report(s) - The in-depth country reports are for clients that need to fully understand a market. This service combines the arrivals analysis and summary analysis and adds in -depth analysis. We identify and provide specific marketing weaknesses and establish marketing focused recommendations based on market intelligence.
Country-Specific Profile(s) - We know that marketing UK visitors is not the same as domestic visitors or even German travelers. Our country-specific profiles detail the visitor you are seeking - from the Chinese business traveler or the independent-minded UK leisure visitor.
Hotel and Car Rental Profile(s) - Our company and segment specific reports profile international visitors to meet the needs of our corporate clients. Corporate-specific

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