600 Verbos Regulares En Ingles

804 palabras 4 páginas
Regular Verbs List
La cantidad de verbos regulares en inglés es inmensa, por lo que en la siguiente lista hemos resumido algunos de los más comunes. Se debe tener en cuenta que el inglés británico y el americano presentan variaciones de escritura o “spelling”. Por ejemplo, en inglés británico el verbo practicar se escribe “practise” mientras que en inglés americano se escribe “practice”. There are thousands of regular verbs in English. This is a list of 600 of the more common regular verbs. Note that there are some spelling variations in American English (for example, "practise" becomes "practice" in American English).

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accept add admire admit advise afford agree alert

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…ver más…


deliver depend describe desert deserve destroy detect develop disagree disappear

disapprove disarm discover dislike divide double doubt drag drain dream

• • • • • • •

dress drip drop drown drum dry dust

earn educate embarrass employ empty encourage

end enjoy enter entertain escape examine

excite excuse exercise exist expand expect

• • •

explain explode extend

face fade fail fancy fasten fax fear

fetch file fill film fire fit fix

flash float flood flow flower fold follow

• • • • • •

force form found frame frighten fry

Alanis English Academy

Argomedo 448, Curicó ℡222535

600 Verbos Regulares

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gather gaze glow glue

grab grate grease greet

grin grip groan guarantee

• • •

guard guess guide

hammer hand handle hang happen harass

harm hate haunt head heal heap

heat help hook hop hope hover

• • • •

hug hum hunt hurry

identify ignore imagine impress improve include

increase influence inform inject injure instruct

intend interest interfere interrupt introduce invent

• • •

invite irritate itch

jail jam

jog join

joke judge

• • •

juggle jump

kick kill

kiss kneel

knit knock


label land last laugh launch

learn level license lick

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