3D technology

2036 palabras 9 páginas




Mateo Romero
Gerald Pico
Winnie Reyes


Dedicatory………………………………………page 3
Acknowledgements……………………………page 4
Introduction……………………………………..page 5
Chapter 1………………………………………..page 6-7
Chapter 2……………………………………… page 8
Chapter 3…………………………………… …page 9-10
Conclusion……………………………………..page 11
Bibliography……………………………………page 12
Appendix……………………………………….page 13


We want to dedicate this monography first of all to God because without him anything is possible. He gave us the knowledge and ability to do this work.
Secondly we would like to dedicate this work to our parents because they have supported us during
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However some people can’t handle the 3D glasses because the 3D images make them feel ill or uncomfortable. Because of this, new glasses were created that let you watch the 3D movie like 2D. With these modified glasses you can’t feel or see the 3D effects and you will watch the movie like a normal 2D movie. Nowadays 3d is taking control of all cinemas. The movies industry today is making more of their movies with 3D technology. Because of this technology the cinema is changing and the people that had forgotten about the cinema are visiting the theaters again because they want to try this new experience. The movie industry is making more and more 3D movies because the tickets are more expensive and they earn more money than 20 movies. Because of this they are investing in technology to make better 3D movies to get consumers more involved in their business. If everyone visited the cinema more than once a month it would mean more than 20 dollar, per month per person for the company. This is exactly what movie companies are trying to do. They are developing fancy 3D technology in order to get people to the cinema more often to increase their profits.

Chapter 2: How 3D Technology is Made and How it Works. We can see that the 3D technology is all around the world because it is one of the most fantastic inventions that has been made in technology and

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