Riser simulation using dense discrete phase model flag content

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Tutorial: Riser Simulation Using Dense Discrete Phase Model

The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate the setup of a dense discrete phase model (DDPM) with the example of 2D riser. DDPM is used for the secondary phase that has a particle size distribution. This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following: • Use Eulerian multiphase model. • Set up and use DDPM. • Solve the case using appropriate solver settings. • Postprocess the resulting data.

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have completed Tutorial 1 from ANSYS FLUENT 13.0 Tutorial Guide, and that you are familiar with the ANSYS FLUENT navigation pane and menu structure. Some steps in the setup and solution procedure will not
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Diameter (m) Max. Diameter (m) Mean Diameter (m) Spread Parameter Value -0.0999 -0.95 1 1000 0.4 9e-05 0.00016 0.00013 9.6

(f) Enter the values for Last Point as shown in the following table: Parameter X-Position (m) Y-Position (m) X-Velocity (m) Value -0.0999 -0.95 1

(g) Select phase-2 from the Discrete Phase Domain drop-down list. (h) Click OK to close Set Injection Properties dialog box. 2. Close Injections dialog box. 3. Click OK to close Discrete Phase Model dialog box. Step 5: Materials Set the properties for anthracite. Materials −→ anthracite −→ Create/Edit...

1. Enter 2400 kg/m3 for Density. 2. Click Change/Create and close Create/Edit Materials dialog box.


c ANSYS, Inc. February 24, 2011

Tutorial: Riser Simulation Using Dense Discrete Phase Model

Step 6: Phases 1. Define the primary (gas) phase. Phases −→ phase-1-Primary Phase −→ Edit...

(a) Enter gas for Name. (b) Select air from the Phase Material drop-down list. (c) Click OK to close the Primary Phase dialog box. 2. Define the secondary (solids) phase. Phases −→ phase-2-Secondary Phase −→ Edit...

(a) Enter solids for the Name. (b) Enable Granular. (c) Select gidaspow from the Granular Viscosity drop-down list. (d) Select lun-et-al from the Granular Bulk Viscosity drop-down list. 7

c ANSYS, Inc. February 24, 2011

Tutorial: Riser Simulation Using Dense Discrete Phase Model

(e) Click OK to close Discrete Phase dialog box. Step 7: Boundary Conditions
