Logistica do agronegócio

2722 palavras 11 páginas
Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana
Revista académica de economía con el Número Internacional Normalizado de Publicaciones Seriadas ISSN 1696-8352 Nº 71, diciembre 2006

ECONOMIA DO BRASIL http://www.eumed.net/cursecon/ecolat/br/index.htm DESAFIOS DE LOGÍSTICA NAS EXPORTAÇÕES BRASILEIRAS DO COMPLEXO AGRONEGOCIAL DA SOJA Cristhyan Cardozo Munoz1 Eduardo Mauch Palmeira2

Em suma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar os gargalos logísticos no escoamento da soja no país, já que contribuem para a ineficiência das exportações brasileiras, bem como informar e sugerir alternativas que possam contribuir para um melhor desempenho da logística no comércio internacional. Para tal, retrata a importância da
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The United States is world biggest producer of soy with approximately 80 million tons in harvest 2005/06, followed of Brazil and Argentina, respectively with 60 and 40 million tons, Brazil and Argentina exports great part of its production, in contrast of the United States that export just 35% of the total production. The costs of transports to drain the harvest in the United States are in some cases seven times lesser that the practiced in Brazil, to facilitate, the main challenge is to revert this image, for this is necessary the creation of new alternatives, as the creation of hydroids and railroads, stimulating the use of the same ones, therefore it is proven as diverse authors that are an efficient and competitive form to drain granaries products. The obsoletes railroads and the scarcity of maritime saw, roads in bad been of conservation, warehouses and overloaded ports are some of the logistic challenges, that become the draining of the harvest in a true disaster, harming the competitiveness of the agro business in the country.

Key Words: Challenges, Agro business, Soy and Logistic.


O agronegócio brasileiro enfrenta o desafio de crescer de modo competitivo e sustentável, para atender a demanda interna, conquistar e manter espaço no mercado externo, fornecendo produtos e processos de qualidade, com sustentabilidade e a preços competitivos. O Brasil ocupa lugar de destaque no cenário do agronegócio mundial do complexo


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