cesar rengifo ingles-español

1068 palabras 5 páginas
Rengifo, César (1915-1980).
Poeta, dramaturgo, ensayista, periodista, pintor y profesor venezolano, nacido en Caracas en 1915 y fallecido en su ciudad natal el 2 de noviembre de 1980. Autor de una vigorosa obra plástica que, concebida desde la estética del realismo social, pretende denunciar las injusticias sociales y llamar la atención sobre las miserables condiciones de vida de las clases menos favorecidas, dejó también un fecundo y deslumbrante legado literario que le sitúa entre los intelectuales venezolanos más destacados del siglo XX. Considerado, además, como uno de los mejores representantes del humanismo renacentista en la época contemporánea, desplegó una incesante labor polifacética que le llevó a significarse también por sus
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Considered also as one of the best representatives of Renaissance humanism in contemporary times, deployed a multifaceted continuing work led him to also signify their political actions, his teaching and his social concerns.
Dump from his early youth to the cultivation of literary creation, with only twenty-three years old he wrote his first dramatic texts, one piece, under the title Why the people sing, some episodes reconstructs the dictatorial period starring Juan Vicente Gómez . This work, completed three years after the death of the dictator, has never been brought to the tables, and editing was not possible until, after half a century since its original drafting, saw the light in the pages of the Complete Works (1988 ) Caracas writer.

Work pictoric. contents showing the artistic production of César Rengifo are part of a social realism that is intended to reflect, from its more radical ideological principles, injustice and misery surrounding the victims of savage capitalism. His works are populated by starving and marginal beings, men, women and children who have been forced to leave the ancestral lands of their ancestors to seek a last chance for survival on a hostile urban environment. Rengifo, active political activist was persecuted and exiled for his tireless work on behalf of the disadvantaged, consistently denounced through his paintings and his literary creation

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