Uso y manejo del mechero de bunsen y la balanza

1858 palabras 8 páginas
In Motion
Topic: Sustainability Organisation: King County Metro Transit Location: Various neighbourhoods in King County, Washington (USA) Dates: 2003 to ongoing Budget: Dependent on neighbourhood Website: Contact: Carol Cooper Email:

Overview In Motion was developed by King County‟s public transportation agency, Metro Transit. It applies community-based social marketing techniques to encourage residents to choose alternative modes of transportation instead of drive-alone travel (single occupancy car use). Research is conducted in each neighbourhood to ensure the programme‟s messages are tailored to each community. Each programme lasts 10 to 16 weeks, and interventions include:
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Inspired by the case studies and results presented to them, the staff began thinking how they could develop an initiative using CBSM principles. King County Metro Transit had been implementing Transportation

Funding was secured from grant funds to develop a pilot programme in four demonstration areas, before seeing whether the programme should be rolled out elsewhere.

Subsequently the following communities were chosen: Madison-Miller (a high density, urban environment) Columbia City (a multilingual community with a single family urban profile) Lake Forest Park (a suburban city, characterised by lower residential density) Crossroads (a mixed-density suburban neighbourhood in a rapidly urbanising city) Primary research Madison-Miller was selected for the first demonstration programme, and the others would be implemented following lessons learnt from this neighbourhood. Having identified these communities, King County Metro Transit conducted a series of interviews with community and business leaders, and discussion groups with residents and community

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