The speckled band sherlock holmes explicacion y traduccion del cuento flag content
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The Speckled Band Sherlock HolmesHelen’s story
hola es una historia corta de un libro de historias
tengo una idea general de la obra: te anexo una liga donde se encuentra lo mas detallado de la obra saludos (Sherlock Holmes es el mejor detective del mundo. Se sienta en su habitación, y se fuma su pipa. Escucha y mira, y piensa. Él escucha a los pasos que suben las escaleras, observa la apertura de la puerta - y él sabe lo que pregunta el forastero le preguntará. Tres visitantes vienen a ver a Holmes en su departamento de Baker Street - llevar sus problemas al único hombre en el mundo que pueden ayudarles.)
Una joven llega desfallecida al apartamento de Holmes, en la londinense calle de Baker Street, y le …ver más…
Sherlock Holmes was listening with his eyes closed, but now he opened them and looked at Helen Stoner.
'Tell me everything about her death,' he said.
'I can remember it all very well. It was a terrible time!' she answered. 'Our three bedrooms are all downstairs. First there is my stepfather's room. Julia's room is next to his, and my room is next to Julia's. The rooms all have windows on the garden side of the house, and doors which open into the corridor. One evening our stepfather was smoking his strong Indian cigarettes in his room. Julia couldn't sleep because she could smell them in her room, so she came into my room to talk to me. Before she went back to bed, she said to me, "Helen, have you ever heard a whistle in the middle of the night?"
I was surprised. "No," I said.
"It's strange," she said. "Sometimes I hear a whistle, but I don't know where it comes from. Why don't you hear it?"
I laughed and said, "I sleep better than you do." So Julia went to her room, and locked the door after her.'
'Why did you lock your doors?' asked Sherlock Holmes.
'We were afraid of the wild animals, and the gypsies,' she answered.
'Please go on,' said Holmes.
'I couldn't sleep that night. It was a very stormy night, with a lot of wind and rain. Suddenly I heard a woman's scream. It was my sister's voice. I ran into the corridor, and just then I heard a whistle, and a