Saturday Storm / Tormenta De Sabado

1080 palabras 5 páginas
Saturday Storm
Julia Newsome

I. Story Design

Tittle: Saturday Storm
Author: Julia Newsome
Setting: England (approx. in March)
Main: Philip Alexiou
Penny Alexiou
Jim Alexiou
Viki Alexiou
Alex Alexiou
Steve and Chris
Harris Levendis
Luke Makris

Philip thinks that his father doesn’t understand him and that his mother doesn’t care about him. He argues a lot with his sister and brother.

Exciting Point:
The only exciting point in the story is the landslide because you don’t know if everything is going to be alright or if the team gets to the match.

Problem Solved:
At the end Philip learns how grateful he is and that he has a lot to thank for.
…ver más…

5. Who was badly hurt by the rocks? Philip and the minibus driver.

6. Who was not hurt? Jim, Viki, Luke, Steve and Chris.

7. Did Luke call an ambulance? No. Luke tried to call Ben.

8. Why didn’t Chris’s mobile phone work? Because it had no battery.

9. How did Chris feel? Very upset and also not very good because he vomited.

10. Who ran for help? Viki and Steve.

Chapters 7 & 8
1. Who took control of the situation? Jim did.

2. What was Alex doing when Philip woke up? Alex was in the front seat, next to Philip.

3. Why do you think Jim began crying? He was happy and thankful that his son was okay.

4. How did Jim get the people in the car warmer? He started the engine and gave them jackets.

5. What happened when Viki ran down the hill to the restaurant? Viki fell down and hurt her foot.
6. Who called the police? George did.

7. How did Steve and Viki get back to the landslide? They went in George’s truck.

8. How did Jim learn that Steve and Viki had contacted the police? He heard it on the radio on the minibus.

9. What was Luke’s expression when the boys in the bus were shouting at the radio? He gave a strange smile.

10. What could they hear

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