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Is it ok? |
Not quite: it's always used in the past tense:
I used to go swimming every day after my work.
She used to take her dog for a walk twice a day.
You have to be careful in negative sentences:
I didn't use to go swimming.
Lots of people, especially natives, stick an extra 'd' on 'use'. (Because it's always followed by 'to', and 'used to' and 'use to' are pronounced the same.)
Note also that in 'used to' the 's' is unvoiced: I used to = I yoossstuh
Unlike when 'use' is used as a normal verb: I used a hammer = I yoozduh hammuh
Originally Posted by Magg Is it ofren used? |
Yes. …ver más…
Would * Every Saturday I would go on a long bike ride. * My teachers would always say “Sit down and shut up!”
We can use ‘would’ to talk about repeated past actions.
Often either ‘would’ or ‘used to’ is possible. Both of these sentences are possible. * Every Saturday, I would go on a long bike ride. * Every Saturday I used to go on a long bike ride.
However, only ‘used to’ is possible when we talk about past states. * We used to live in New York when I was a kid. * We would live in New York when I was a kid.
Elementary school act High school be in a band Junior school belong to a club Language school collect something Middle school hang out(at the mall) Nursery school have a pet Preschool play a musical Summer school play a sport University play computer games
Arts and crafts play in the orchestra Band play on the school Chess club play soccer Choir play table tennis Computer club play the violin Football play with dolls Orchestra wear a school uniform
Gramar Used To
[used to + VERB]
* I used to go to the beach every day.
It is better not to use "used to" in questions or negative forms; however, this is sometimes done in informal spoken English. It is better to ask questions and create negative sentences using Simple Past.