Resumen Dolphin Music

2418 palabras 10 páginas
Ruth tells Saul about her organisation PACE and the truth about making dolphin music.
Ruth isn’t an old woman and she needs no help. She’s very fit, physical and psychical. She begin telling to Saul that she’s in an organisation, called PACE(People Against Control in Europe). She tells him that dolphins only sing as beautiful as the people hear, short time before they die. She also says he is the one who must help to rescue the dolphins. Saul thought she’s an old crazy lady and goes home. Chapter3 : Cello suite Saul Grant CarolineFry Richmond Monday 2 June, 6 p.m.
Saul talk to his girlfriend and thought about what Ruth said. Saul is happy to back at home. And as he talk to Caroline his more happy. Saul think about what happened by
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Ruth tells Saul she and Peter set up PACE. Then they walk through the forest, but they have to look for wolves. All the things which now happen to Saul are a new for him. He never realised that a real life outside the Web exist. For example the forest and the wolves. He believes in this time things like that only exist in the Web. Chapter 9 : Wolves Dick Lane 2 BEATCON special London/Richmond Forrest Tuesday 3 June, 10 a.m.
Dick Lane want to make an impression on Captain Marrs. So he drive with two young specials. In the forest the two young specials died, because the not yet learned to drive in a forest.
This another example Dick lane really thinks. He thinks he has a good Idea, but he only think on Grant and how pleased Marrs would be when he will catch Grant. Why takes Lane two so young Soldiers. Why does‘ t Lane think if the two soldiers can drive their jetbikes in the dense forest. Lane learned nothing of his fast suggestion to make an exident to the Controller. Chapter 10 : Out of control
Saul grant Sue Hunter Ruth Hunter Richmond Forrest Tuesday 3 June, 11 a.m.
The three talk about their situation and what is know to doing. Ruth tells Saul about the ways BEATCON works. Then she says she will stay in Richmond and Sue and Saul have to go to Switzerland.
In this chapter we can see how BEATCON works. We see that Marrs does all what is needed to fight the terrorist.
Saul hopes they can stay for a while in the forest, but they start

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