Resumen Cold Feet

1226 palabras 5 páginas
Después Rymer se va a la cafetería llamada ".Los pinos." que estaba en Rosca. frente al consulado y ve a una joven peliroja mirando por la ventana con mirada de pena , tristeza y enamorada.
Ryner se va al gran hotel cuando llega a la recepción una señora le pregunta si es ingles y se ponen a conversar con la señora irma sterlski quien era viuda y cuando hablan el tema de su marido ella se siente mal y ryner le va a buscar un vaso de agua al bar y se lo da, luego él va en busca de su llave y sube a la invitación cuando de pronto le pegan un golpe en la cabeza y se da cuenta que le quería sacar la capsula.
Cuando mira por la ventana ve a un hombre corriendo por la escalera y en un auto que era un nuevo mercedes y anota su patente.
…ver más…

Ryner gives the patent to Eliot to seek information about the subject and later he told him that was aguado who is another private investigator but gives the mob that starts in Villa Rosa but Eliot not be located and leaves a note this information and a gun, Rymer will enter the house of Aguado and realizes that he is dead and then removed from the place going to the consulate.
Rymer then take a train to the city and realizes that the young girl with the red hair was in the same train that he was but she does disengaged, they really were neighbors in the train and Rymer devised a plan that had to do with the unknown death body as she was in the theater group called triangle, Rymer wakes up late and can not make his plan so it's going to the cafeteria of the theater and see a brochure of the festival of theater where they will be present but with a new member who is Miguel Suarez, Rymer sees the play and realizes that is very similar to the case of death and ends when asked to speak with the director, the director sends a note that says that they could talk later in the dressing room , Rymer reaches a room which was Mrs. Strelsky who tells him the truth of death unknown body of a young man who was Cderny which the daughter, Katrina was in love with but she found a letter of

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