Respuesta Del Capitulo 15 Fisica Elemental Paul Tippens

6383 palabras 26 páginas
Chapter 15. Fluids

Physics, 6th Edition

Chapter 15. FLUIDS
15.1. What volume does 0.4 kg of alcohol occupy? What is the weight of this volume?


m ; V


m 0.4 kg = ; ρ 790 kg/m 2

V = 5.06 x 10-4 m3 W = 3.92 N

W = DV = ρgV = 790 kg/m3)(9.8 m/s2)(5.06 x 10-4 m3);

15-2. An unknown substance has a volume of 20 ft3 and weighs 3370 lb. What are the weight density and the mass density? D= W 3370 lb = ; D = 168 lb/ft3 V 20 ft 3


D 168 lb/ft 3 = ; g 9.8 m/s 2

ρ = 5.27 slugs/ft3

15-3. What volume of water has the same mass of 100 cm3 of lead? What is the weight density of lead? First find mass of lead: m = ρV = (11.3 g/cm3)(100 cm3); m = 1130 g Now water: Vw = m 1130 g = = 1130 cm3 ; Vw = 1130 cm3
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A water-pressure gauge indicates a pressure of 50 lb/in.2 at the foot of a building. What is the maximum height to which the water will rise in the building? P = Dh; h= P (50 lb/in.2 )(144 in.2 /ft 2 ) = ; D 62.4 lb/ft 2 ) h = 115 ft

The Hydraulic Press
15-15. The areas of the small and large pistons in a hydraulic press are 0.5 and 25 in.2, respectively. What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the press? What force must be exerted to lift a ton? Through what distance must the input force move, if the load is lifted a distance of 1 in.? MI = [1 ton = 2000 lb ] Fi = 2000 lb ; 50 si = 50 in. Fi = 40.0 lb

Ao 25 in.2 ; M = 50 I = Ai 0.5 in.2

si = MI so = (50)(1 in.);

15-16. A force of 400 N is applied to the small piston of a hydraulic press whose diameter is 4 cm. What must be the diameter of the large piston if it is to lift a 200-kg load? Fo Ao d o2 = = ; Fi Ai di2 do = di Fo (200 kg)(9.8 m/s 2 ) = (4 cm) ; Fi 400 N


Chapter 15. Fluids do = 8.85 cm

Physics, 6th Edition

15-17. The inlet pipe that supplies air pressure to operate a hydraulic lift is 2 cm in diameter. The output piston is 32 cm in diameter. What air pressure (gauge pressure) must be used to lift an 1800-kg automobile. Pi = Po ; Pi = Fo (1800 kg)(9.8 m/s 2 ) = ; Ao π (0.16 m) 2 Pi = 219 kPa

15-18. The area of a piston in a force pump is 10 in.2. What force is required to raise

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