Rehabilitación pulmonar

4490 palabras 18 páginas
Reliability of and Correlation Between the Respiratory Therapist Written Registry and Clinical Simulation Self-Assessment Examinations Deborah L. Cullen, Linda I. Van Scoder, Krzysztof Podgorski and Derek Elmerick Chest 2003;123;1284-1288 DOI: 10.1378/chest.123.4.1284

This information is current as of July 9, 2006

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CHEST is the official journal of the American College of Chest Physicians. It has been published monthly since 1935. Copyright 2005 by the American College of Chest Physicians, 3300 Dundee Road, Northbrook IL 60062. All rights reserved. No part of
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Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission from the American College of Chest Physicians (e-mail: Correspondence to: Deborah L. Cullen, EdD, RRT, Director, Respiratory Therapy Program, Indiana University, 1140 West Michigan St, Coleman Hall 224, Indianapolis, IN; e-mail:
Special Report

Downloaded from by Jorge Gave on July 9, 2006

Table 1—RRT Examination Pass Rates*
Year Variables WR New candidate Repeat candidate Difference CSE New candidate Repeat candidate Difference 1998 77.1 30.3 46.8 49.2 30.1 19.1 1999 77.6 28.9 48.7 43.9 18.9 25.0 2000 86.1 43.7 42.7 66.5 50.9 17.8 2001 82.8 45.6 37.1 65.6 49.5 17.0 Mean (SD) 80.9 (4.32) 37.2 (8.77) 43.7 (5.16) 57.1 (10.72) 37.4 (13.45) 19.7 (3.62)

*Data are presented as %.

Candidates on the WR and CSE historically have demonstrated different pass rates (Table 1).2,4,5 The CSE has shown smaller differences between firsttime and repeater pass rates than the WR, as well as a higher retest rate. In 2000, the introduction of computer-based testing resulted in an initial higher pass rate on the WR and CSE, although the difference between new and repeat examinees has remained stable.4 Testing for the RRT credential requires completion of two examinations, and no other nursing or allied health profession requires two separate and different examination processes for one credential.6

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