
872 palabras 4 páginas
Narrator: Arturo is 16-year-old coming from school one day was surprised to find that her mother was dead

After a month of the occurrence, Arturo had too many nightmares and always got up with fear and missed her mother and that night they played their door and was a detective who was investigating the death of his mother

Detective: Good evening, Can I , I need to ask some questions about the death of his mother

Arturo: Sure, go ahead, excuse the mess

Detective: We know your mother was found in situations not clarified and there is ample evidence that death was not natural but he was murdered!

Arthur: Oh no! Can not and who could have done it if my mother never had enemies, and no one to be silver, my mother was always a
…ver más…

After a few minutes, Arturo went to buy, while Yannina was looking for clues to help solve the case faster and she found blood on Arturo’s shirt, and a letter next to this and……

Yannina: (reads the letter), but is that?? (With fear) here is her inheritance, but she leaves everything to me, I'm the owner of the inheritance but…. the letter is stained with blood .... why Arturo hide this? ... ... ... .... He is the murderer! nooo! (Crying) he killed her….

Narrator: Yannina

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