Preguntas Y Respuestas De "The Queen And I" De Sue Townsend

1503 palabras 7 páginas
Chapter 1
1. Why do you think the Queen didn't want a Republican government to be elected?
Because if the Republicans won the elections, the English Monarchy would disappear.
2. What did Jack Barker tell the Royal Family about their new homes?
That they will live in a council house.
3. What did Jack Barker do with the Queen's crown and what do you think this signified?
That the Monarchy had fallen and the Royal Family had disappeared.
Chapter 2
1. Describe Beverley and Tony Threadgold.
The man wears T-shirt and jeans, and the woman is blonde and fat, wearing clothes too small for her.
2. List five things the Queen observed in Hell Close.
Someone was burning car tyres, any house had all the windows unbroken, fences were broken
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Chapter 9
1. What did Diana and Charles each want to do with the money they had?
Diana wanted a new haircut, and Charles fertilizer for his garden.
2. Summarize briefly the problems that Marigold Road Junior School had.
The roof had holes and let the water pass, they had no private toilets, and no material or books. Moreover they didn’t have enough teachers.
3. Why was Diana feeling sad at the end of the chapter?
Because Charles was being mean to her.
Chapter 10
1. Why did Anne enjoy talking to Spiggy?
Because he didn’t know anything about her.
2. Where Prince Edward was and what was he doing?
He was in New Zealand, performing a theatre play called Sheep.
3. What changes was Jack Barker going make?
He was going to low the prizes and raise the helps to the poor.
Chapter 11
1. Why did Trish McPherson think that the Treadgolds were unstable?
Because their kid had broken arwms or legs and Beverly tried to attack her once.
2. Why did the Queen find life horrible?
Because all was going wrong.
3. If Trish had read the letter in her briefcase, what would she have realized?
That the Threadgolds didn’t hit her children it was just that they had fragile bones.
Chapter 12
1. Why was the Queen angry with Charles when she saw him in the courtroom?
Because he wore his garden clothes, and not the one she picked for him.
2. Why did Diana think the Royal Family wasn't emotional?
Because when Charles was condemned guilty, no one went to her to offer some

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