Pnieb Planeacion Semanal Ingles 2011 - 2012 flag content
6371 palabras
26 páginas
|SOCIAL PRACTICE OF THE LANGUAGE: |Understand and express information related to goods and services | |Cycle: |4 ||ENVIROMENT: |Familiar and Community | |Grade: |2 |
|SPECIFIC COMPETENCE: |Offer and understand suggestions in order to buy or sell a product | …ver más…
| | |Will it be card or cash? | | |
|Week |Identifies main ideas in oral |Identify topic and purpose. |Structure of dialogues |Show |How much does it cost? |money |Have Ss listen again to the recording of the |
|2 |exchanges. |Identify the relationship between speakers. | |assertiveness |Can I help you? |size |transaction this time have Ss focus on what is |
| |Searches for confirmation in an |Identify ways to express suggestions. | |when making |Have you got…..? |type/kind |being said, and the kind of language being used. |
| |oral exchange. |Identify strategies to emphasize meaning. | |decisions. |Let me show you the….. |colors | |
| | |Take on the role of the speaker to start a dialogue.| |Foster courtesy |How will you be paying?