Obra de teatro, el principito

4942 palabras 20 páginas
E = Employee G = Guest C = Client W = waiter Cu = Customer Rec = Reception Rest = Restaurant
1. Front desk reception: payment in cash, no problem
E. Good morning, may I help you?
G. My name is John Smith. I have a reservation.
E. Yes, Mr. Smith. You reserved a single room. Will you please fill out this form?
G. Of course.
E. Are you paying your bill in cash, with debit card or with your credit card?
G. In cash.
E. Fine, we require a deposit of one night’s stay.
G. That’s fine. Here you are.
E. Thank you. Your room number is 101 (one oh one). Are these your bags?
G. Yes, they are.
E. The bellboy will show you the way.
G. Thank you.

2. Reservation made by travel agency. Payment with credit
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C. Thank you, Good bye.
E. Thank you.

6. Complaint about air conditioning.
E. Hello, can I help you?
G. Yes, I’m in room 220. The air conditioning isn’t working properly.
E. What’s the matter with it?
G. It only blows hot air.
E. I’ll send you someone to check it. But if the problem persists I could send you fan until tomorrow when the maintenance man comes.
G. Couldn’t we have another room?
E. I’m very sorry but all our rooms are occupied. If the problem persists tomorrow and we have a vacancy, we can change you then or help you find more comfortable accommodations.
G. Ok, thank you.

7. Complaint of clogged up bathroom.
E. Hello, may I help you?
G. Yes, the bathroom is stopped up.
E. Which room are you in?
G. It’s room number 109.
E. Someone will be there to fix it in a moment.
G. Thank you.

8. Complaint of burned out bulb.
E. Yes, can I help you?
G. WE need a light bulb. Ours is burned out.
E. I’ll have it changed it for you.
G. Thank you very much.

9. Complaint of lack of hot water.
E. Reception, may I help you?
G. There’s no hot water.
E. What’s your room number, please?
G. It’s 311.
E. I’ll check on it and call you back.
G. Thanks.
G. Hello?
E. We already solved the problem with the hot water; there will be hot water in a few minutes.
G. Thanks a lot.

10. Request for towels.
E. Yes. What can I do for you?
G. We need some clean towels.
E. Which room are you in?
G. 105

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