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10223 palabras 41 páginas
Translator’s Forward: The following translation is from the original Full Metal Panic! novel, “Owaru DEE-BAI-DEE” (pt. 1). This is not the first volume of the series; this

is volume eight, and this story picks up where the first Full Metal Panic! anime series (sometimes known as season one) left off. I did this because I

personally wanted to know what happened after the end of the anime series, and the only continuation available was in novel form. After I started reading it a

little, I decided that I wanted to undertake it as a translation project, not only for my better understanding, but also to share it with others who have an interest in the series and would also like to know what happened after Sousuke and Kaname’s fishing
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They looked around, but couldn't see him in the classroom.

"To the person who parked the red compact car in the back of the north building: Please contact me in the student meeting room immediately. I repeat:

Would the person who parked the red compact car in the back of the north building please contact me in the student meeting room immediately. plate number: Tama 50-" After carefully repeating the license plate number three times, he silenced the speaker. It was just like an announcement you would hear at a License

department store or some other place, calling out to the inconveniently parked customer. "Isn't that the car we saw earlier?" "...what is Sagara doing?" "Who knows?" She didn't really understand what was going on, but the announcement was probably being heard in the staff room and the principal's office. As such, the

owner of the car would probably get in touch with Sousuke right away. So there wasn't really a problem.

Thirty minutes later, Kaname and Kyouko were continuing their studying. "Now, what's the meaning of 'In spite of~'?" asked Kaname, pulling the question from the sentence structure of an English text. "Huh? I don't know. Where did you get that from?"

"Page 88." "Where is it...? "What? Ah, here, chapter ten. That won't be on the test."

Yes it will." Ms. Kagurazaka didn't say that it would be during class." She said it would be in there."

"No, it

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