
12577 palabras 51 páginas
Desarrollo de trabajos generales de ingeniería y asesoría en proyectos y/o ejecución en mecánica general, hidráulica, neumática, electricidad y construcción de maquinaria.
Desarrollo de todo tipo de peritajes y reparaciones navales en buques y puertos, brindando servicios de Tarja, Peritajes, Seguros, Banderas y Reparaciones.

Coricu se especializa en servicios de ingeniería e inspección de la mas alta calidad, comprendiendo una amplia variedad de negocios e industrias, con especialistas altamente calificados y dedicados, con su gran experiencia y espíritu innovador siempre cumplen o sobrepasan las expectativas de sus clientes, con calidad y seguridad.

Pruebas e inspecciones
Manejo de
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A survey of a boat of longer than 40 feet, may take more than one day.

We always encourage you, the prospective buyer, to attend the survey, so that you will get a better understanding of the survey process and its results.

Our survey reports are detailed and include the Fair Market Value and Replacement Value of the boat as well as pictures and recommendations. For a sample of a Pre-Purchase Survey report, please click here.

Proper preparation of a boat for a survey greatly enhances the quality of the survey. Click here for a practical check list for preparing the boat.

See also the “Scope of Surveys” page of this website.
2. Insurance Surveys
When you want to insure a boat, or have to renew an existing policy, your insurance company may require an Insurance Survey in order to determine its insurability. This type of survey is often referred to as a Condition and Valuation Survey or Marine Risk Inspection.

The scope of an Insurance Survey is similar to a Pre-Purchase Survey, but its report focuses on structural integrity, safety and items that affect the market value of the boat.

An assessment of the boat’s Fair Market Value and Replacement Value is part of this type of survey.
Insurance companies usually require a hauled-out survey, but may not require that a sea trial is conducted. Your insurance company will have its own requirements for what it considers

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