Mercadeo en republica dominicana

5970 palabras 24 páginas
Version 6

Quick Guide – Welcome and Software Registration

Welcome to VirtualDJ!
VirtualDJ is the latest state-of-the-art software in music mixing for DJs. Very easy to use and with a very smooth learning curve, it includes all the professional features a real DJ needs. But you will discover that VirtualDJ also offers some breakthrough features that will definitely change the way you mix!

Software Registration
Please make sure you have the latest version of VirtualDJ by first creating a user account and registering your software. Visit and click on the “Create a Login” tab. Provide a user name, password, first and last name, along with an email address* then click on “Submit”. You will
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Files will now copy onto your system. G. Click Close to finish the installation. D. VirtualDJ splash screen … showing the initialization of the software’s components.

E. VirtualDJ User Interface (Skin) Now your software is installed and you should find an icon in your Applications folder for opening VirtualDJ.

Quick Guide – Running for the first time …
Now lets setup VirtualDJ with one of the common Setup for Headphones with Internal Sound uses with a sound card—

card use…

Basic Internal Sound card, Headphones with Internal Sound card, External mixer with Multi-channel card, or Timecode Control.

* This setup uses your Internal Sound card with a second soundcard for headphones. You can get a second sound card with a single stereo output from an local or on-line source. A. Return to the Sound Setup tab by clicking on the Config button in the upper right corner of the skin. B. Leave the Inputs option set to None. C. Change the Outputs to Headphones, leaving the drop-down to the right with the default. D. Change the Soundcard option to 2 cards

Setup for Basic Internal Soundcard use…
From installation you should not have to make any adjustment. So to familiarize yourself with the interface lets look at the Sound Setup in the Config. A. Click on the Config button in the upper right corner of the skin.

B. The first tab presented is the Soundcard tab. This tab is used to make the selections for the various configurations. After install, the

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