Mecanica de fluidos

10486 palabras 42 páginas
Electric Power / Controls


The Lab-Volt Industrial Controls Training System, Model 3100, has unique controls training capabilities, enhanced by its modularity and its instructor-inserted faults. The system allows the student to select and mount control devices to form typical control circuits, and to troubleshoot them once a fault is inserted. The Lab-Volt 3100 Series control devices are of standard industrial quality, preset to fit the 0.2 kW machines in the Industrial Controls Training System. Symbols and diagrams, as well as module name and model number, are clearly silk-screened on the faceplate of each module. Each motor module is also equipped with a
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sh-Button Interlocking Basic Control Circuit – Sequence Controls – Sequence Control Timers – Drum Switch Controls AC Reduced-Voltage Starters – Primary Resistor Starters – Autotransformer Starters – Part Winding Motor Starters – Automatic Starters for Wye-Delta Motors Three-Phase, Multispeed Controllers – Two-Speed, Two-Winding Motor Controllers – Two-Speed, One-Winding Motor Controllers – Two-Speed, Starter with Reversing Controls Wound-Rotor Motor Controllers – Manual Speed Control – Pushbutton Speed Selection – Automatic Acceleration – Automatic Speed Control Synchronous Machine Controls – Pushbutton Starting of a Synchronous Motor – Timed Semi-Automatic Synchronizing – Synchronizing Synchronous Alternators


Direct Current Controllers – Across-the-Line Starting
– Definite-Time Motor Starter – Drum Controller – Series Starting Resistance – Three-Point DC Manual Starters – Four-Point DC Manual Starters – Counter EMF Controller – Motor Driven Timer Controller Jogging (Inching) Control Circuits – Jogging Using a Control Relay – Jogging Using a Control Relay and a Reversing Starter – Jogging Using a Reversing Starter and a Selection Switch Methods of Braking – Plugging – Plugging Using a Time-Delay Relay – Anti-Plugging Protection – Electromagnetic Brakes – Dynamic Braking of DC Motors – Dynamic Braking of a Synchronous Motor – DC Injection Braking of a Squirrel Cage Motor – DC Injection Braking of a Wound-Rotor Motor

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