Manual de retail link (para walmart) flag content

925 palabras 4 páginas
Retail Link | | Working instructions | | The best time to run the online reports is in the morning, before North America wakes up and starts using the system. | | In example images product names have been fuzzed out. | You will see your own products in these locations. | | Return to Online Manuals | | Instructions | | 1. | | | Log onto retail link using the following address | | You will then get the following page…. | | Enter the User ID and Password | If you are asked about the cookies, you must allow all 14 cookies or else you just keep on returning to the logon page. | | 2. | | | You will get the following screen. | On the Do My Work …ver más…

| | | Next you need to define the items you want to gather the information for. | Click Items | | and then click Accounting Depts | | you will get this screen. | | You will see your own products in the areas fuzzed out. | | | EG Get information on Flavoured Waters. | | Scroll down to SOFTDRINKS, and expand that, and its children until you get a list like the one on the right. | | | To add flavoured water to the list of Selected Items just click on it. | | | | | | It will then appear in the list. | | | | | | You will see your own products in the areas fuzzed out. | | | To remove it from the list just click on it. | | | To see its location, just click , and you will get something like this | | | | | | 8. | | | Once you have defined all the items you want included in the download, you need to specify stores. | Click Locations | | and then click Stores. | | Expand Store Type Breakdown | | Click on All Stores, as below and you should see it appear under Selected Locations | | | | 9. | | | Now you need to define time periods | Click Times | | and then click Time Range 1 | | You will then see | | For an ongoing report last week is advisable, and it can be found under By Fuzzy Dates | | To add Last Week just click on it under By Fuzzy Dates | | For an initial set up download selecting a set of weeks would

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