Manual de mantenimiento para camiones mack

18406 palabras 74 páginas
República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
Ministerio de Educación Superior.
Universidad Rafael Urdaneta.
Facultad de Ingeniería.
Escuela de industrial.



Diseño de un plan de Mantenimiento Preventivo para
Camiones Mack.
Trabajo Especial de Grado
Presentado para optar al Grado Académico de: Ingeniero Industrial

Realizado por:
Ricardo Carrasquero.
C.I. 16.941.042.
Tutor Académico:
Ana Irene Rivas.

ENERO 2009


A Dios por protegerme e iluminarme en cada momento de mi vida y por darme fuerzas para seguir adelante y lograr una de mis metas.

A mi madre por su infinito apoyo en todas y cada una de mis cruzadas.
…ver más…

Faculty of
Engineering. School of Industrial Engineering, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 2008.




The present work had as aim to design a plan of preventive maintenance for trucks Mack to improve the reliability to the company Transporte Díaz y López
S.A trucks. Nowadays, the maintenance that is applied to the above mentioned equipments is principally corrective due to the fact that the routines of preventive maintenance are realized in an inadequate way, as consequence of the bad definition of the procedures that are carried out for the accomplishment of the same one by what the equipments are repaired only when the fault takes place. To settle this problem a series of activities were carried out on the basis of a series of realized studies. The first evaluation was about the current situation of maintenance across the parameters defined by the norm COVENIN
2500 – 93. Later the vehicles were identified in order to realize an inventory, they to codify and to be realized by a specification sheet that facilitates the labors of maintenance. Forthwith, I realize a summary of information by means of interviews and documentary review in order you determine the faults that are happening with frequency present in the vehicles and to determine the activities to prepare them. I design a plan of preventive maintenance in which there are

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