Laboratorio biofisica

1499 palabras 7 páginas

NAME ____________________________________________________

I.- Listen to the conversations and check ( x ) the correct answers.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2
1. Amy wants her mom to 3. Peter interrupts to
( ) come home right now ( ) give dinner to his cat
( ) go to the supermarket ( ) open the door for his cat
( ) buy something else ( ) talk to his cat

2. Amy’s mom interrupts to 4. Peter is calling Ginny to
( ) talk to Amy (
…ver más…

This is how is works: When the palm fronds fall, they are collected form the ground by workers. The palm trees are not damaged in any way. The fronds are carried to trucks and taken to a warehouse in Izucar de Matamoras in the State of Puebla.
At the warehouse, some of the fronds are fitted onto specially shaped wooden frames. The frames are packed and sent to different parts of the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. When they get to their destination, the frames are assembled by local workers to create small but beautiful palapas. The palapas are very popular, and this interesting project is providing jobs for people in this area of Mexico.

Answer the questions.
1. Do farmers plant the palm trees for agricultural use?
2. Is there insufficient rain for agriculture?
3. Are the palm trees damaged in the process?
4. Is the raw material for the palapas expensive?
5. In your opinion, is this an environmentally friendly process? Why?

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