Juventud en extasis

6909 palabras 28 páginas
Diagnostic Test 3rd ES. 1. Complete the sentences. Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. She ………………………………………….. (do) ballet 3 times a week
2. I ……………………………………… (read) this amazing book at the moment!
3. I really ……………………………………… (want) an ice-cream. It’s so hot today.
4. They ……………………………………….. (wait) for their Dad to take them to school.
5. Glyn …………………………………… (act) in a play at the National Theatre.
6. Glyn………………………………….. (go) to the theatre every week.
7. Slow down! You………………………………………… (drive) too fast!
8. I …………………………………… (take) public transport when I travel around Colombia. It’s cheaper.
9. I …………………………………… (go) to hospital again tonight. 10.We …………………………………….. (need) to go dancing tonight to relax!

2. Past

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