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1702 palabras 7 páginas
University of Concepción
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Work

English Work
Topic: “Teens Pregnancy”

|Name |: |Oriana Montoya P. |
|Subject |: |English |
|Professor |: | |
|Delivery Date |: | |


The teen pregnancy is an issue that has become very important today because many women are at an early age begin their sexual life without, perhaps, receive the adequate sex education from their family or by the educational establishment to which she belongs.

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|Number of Children born live.|
| |years | | |
| | |% |n | |
|1 |17.745 |13,5 |2.392 |3.149 |
|2 |19.963 |14,7 |2.940 |3.824 |
|3 |10.604 |16,5 |1.751 |2.183 |
|4 |25.430 |13,9 |3.544 |4.131 |
|5 |64.364 |12,1 |7.814 |10.164 |
|6 |30.751 |12,3 |3.784 |4.503 |
|7 |37.850 |12,3 |4.642 |5.729 |
|8 |79.496 |10,9 |8.673 |10.924 |
|9 |39.235 |12,3 |4.838 |6.259 |
|10 |44.446

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